
Are you Job Hunting?

If you are an HR Professional looking for employment, be sure to attend the following sessions at the CaribHRForum Virtual Conference. The first Job Hunting Q&A includes Akeem Branford, Simmone Bowe (moderator) and Danielle Tait and takes place on Thursday Sep 17, 2020 at 1:30pm Ja/Central/ GMT -5. The second interactive Q&A includes Georgia Donaldson (moderator), …


Conference Bulletin Aug 12

Want to share the conference with others? Here are some save the date graphics you can pass on to your followers, friends, colleagues, fans. You can also share the link for the home page for this website with them to help them register. Each one is perfectly sized for a particular social media network. The …


Sponsors and Partners

There’s no way to conduct a conference of this magnitude without the assistance of a network of stakeholders. If you’re interested in gaining some exposure to the attendees of this conference, click here for more information about becoming a sponsor. However, if you happen to be a non-profit organization in the region devoted to serving …


Webinar Replays

Just in case you have not been keeping track of all the activities are building up to the summit, here are a couple of webinar replays you can access as a member of CaribHRForum Community. (Click here to join.) In this instance, Tracey Wallace is offering a free 7-8 week group Coaching Circle. The program …