If you are an HR Professional looking for employment, be sure to attend the following sessions at the CaribHRForum Virtual Conference.
The first Job Hunting Q&A includes Akeem Branford, Simmone Bowe (moderator) and Danielle Tait and takes place on Thursday Sep 17, 2020 at 1:30pm Ja/Central/ GMT -5.
The second interactive Q&A includes Georgia Donaldson (moderator), Lara Quentrall-Thomas and Andrew Fairman. It will be held on Saturday Sep 19, 2020 at 1:30pm Ja/Central/ GMT -5.
We also recommend that you attend the session by Jarrod Best-Mitchell focusing on the rising importance of LinkedIn to HR Professionals. His session is on Friday Sep 19, 2020 at 1:30pm Ja/Central/ GMT -5.
These two interactive Q&A’s and Jarrod’s session could make the difference in your job-search and we hope you can make it. We intend to offer further support after the conference, so you may want to become a member of our community at https://community.caribhrforum.com, once you register for the conference.