Are you an HR Professional who loves to see your staff learning and growing?
The current COVID-19 has dealt a blow to all classroom learning and left companies with training budgets that are barely sustainable.
To solve the problem, you need more than an internet browser and a Google search panel.
Fortunately, One on One offers over 14,000 online courses for professionals across the Caribbean as well as personalized learning management systems for businesses that desire to create their very own corporate university.
Our platform is interactive and easy to use with a gamification component that encourages friendly competition among users. Our self-paced approach also provides detailed progress reports so each learner can track how they are excelling every time they log in.
One on One is the leading e-learning solutions provider in the Caribbean with a footprint covering over ten territories and powers governments, businesses and schools.
Even before the pandemic, there was a need to reimagine the delivery of teaching and learning in Jamaica and the Caribbean. The world has started to shift from only using traditional content delivery methods and One on One provides solutions that bridge the digital gap. This shift allowed for the advancement of the virtual space to make it more interactive, fun and seamless.
One on One started in 2013 from a revolutionary vision to take traditional learning and bring it to the online space to allow people from all walks of life to learn without limits. Through rapid investment in technology, people and relationships, we have made significant advancements and positioned ourselves to be one of the pioneers of this new way of experiencing education. So far, we have hosted over a million learners across the region on our platforms.
We’ll be at the CaribHRForum Virtual Conference in the “Hands on Hall”. Come visit, or look for our representatives at different points in the conference. We’d love to meet you!
Can’t wait? Click here for more information on our company.