Thanks for coming to find out more about speaking at CaribHRForum’s Virtual Conference 2022.

At this point, you may not have made up your mind to apply, so here are some details that may help.

The Facts

The conference theme for 2022 is HR Analytics: Transforming Companies for a Digital Future. Our goal is to equip HR professionals in the region with digital skillsets, toolsets and mindsets.

These are elements Caribbean companies will need from HR in the future to complete the digital transformation so many have already begun. Unfortunately, many HR Professionals lack the skillsets, toolsets and mindsets required to play a leadership role. This year’s conference is meant to close the gap in a meaningful way and as a presenter, you’ll play a critical role.

This virtual conference takes place on September 15-17, 2022 in a completely online environment. Anyone in the world can access the event from the Internet on their laptop, tablet or phone. A free e-ticket gives participants attendance to most sessions while the event is underway.

However, there are some sessions which require an All Access Pass, which will also give them a one year link to replays of all video content.

Furthermore, everyone who attends, presents or sponsors will be invited to take up a complimentary Trial membership in the CaribHRForum online community. After the conference, members will continue to interact with each other. As a speaker, you can apply to offer them coaching, training or other fee-based services.

Your Opportunity

Once your application is accepted, you’ll be part of the team helping to create a unique, transformational experience for the region’s HR Professionals. Here is a list of the main areas of focus:

  • Digital Transformation – change management
  • Digital Transformation strategy
  • HR Strategic Thinking
  • Digital Proficiency
  • People Analytics / Data Literacy
  • Gamification
  • Skills Mapping
  • Employee Value Proposition
  • HR Department of One
  • Metrics for Hybrid Workplaces
  • Evidence-Based HR

What is expected of you? Most of our speakers put together a 20-40 minute pre-recorded video or interview. Some will participate in a live panel.

What should you expect in return?

If you own your own freelance consulting firm (or plan to do so in the future) you should walk away with an enhanced reputation, plus a growing list of followers (i.e. potential clients). And if you’re an HR practitioner, look forward to the intellectual simulation that comes from presenting your best thinking to an engaged audience.

Plus, you can monetize your participation via the affiliate sale of All Access Passes (AAP’s). You’ll receive a unique registration link that will link a purchase of an AAP to a commission.

What this all means is that you should be able to recoup your investment of time and effort in being a presenter. While we don’t offer an up-front fee to our speakers, we do our best to make it easy for you to benefit. Your exposure to the largest audience of HR professionals in the region could be one that opens doors.

Don’t miss this special opportunity!

If you are interested in applying to speak, your next step may be to complete your application form or find out more details on how to develop your presentation.

Thanks for your consideration and if you know others who would appreciate this opportunity to speak, please share this page with them.