Welcome to How to Thrive as a Solo HR Manager in Tumultuous Times – happy you are here!  I have created a special workbook just for you. It is designed so you can create your own custom Survive and Thrive Guide for the COVID era on the fly whilst you tune into this pre-recorded video. 

3 Steps To Get Maximum Value

  1. DOWNLOAD or PRINT your pdf copy of the workbook before  you begin to watch the video. It’s located here or in the Swag Bag in the community – https://community.caribhrforum.com/posts/8369406 .
    1. If viewing the Pdf in your web browser vs. Adobe, you may need to zoom out a little bit (bottom right minus sign).
    2. Be sure to download the PDF and then open vs. just viewing in this email or the fillable notes fields will not show.
  2. TYPE OR WRITE your own notes to each of the slide prompts. Best notes are specific to your personal situation and the circumstances of your organisation.Now you are on your way to creating your own custom playbook to Stop Overwhelm, Make an Impact and Get the Respect You Deserve.
  3. GET MORE SUPPORT AND VALUE. Work with me and turn your notes into a powerful practical action plan that gets you the results you deserve. APPLY NOW. This Private HR Engagement coaching program has limited spots (6) and will run September, October, and November. The mission is to provide laser-focused support for solo HR Managers in the Caribbean from the height of the hurricane season to the holiday period in these tumultuous COVID times. Priority access and special rate for CaribHRForum community members.

Ready? Let’s do this!