Thanks for coming to find out more about speaking at CaribHRForum’s Virtual Conference 2023.
At this point, you may not have made up your mind to apply to speak, so here are some details that may help.
The Facts
The conference theme is People Analytics – A Hard Reset | C-Suite Impact.
But this is no ordinary three-day event. Instead, it’s made up of a series of virtual events between September 2023 to February 2024. Plus, there are other support activities you may be interested in, but we’ll say more about them further down the page.
To understand the background thinking, we highly recommend you read Why Does HR in the Caribbean Need a Major Reset. Here is a summary of what it says.
When asked to rank their departments, C-Suiters frequently report that the HR function ranks near the bottom in key areas compared to others. Which ones? Strategic impact, data analytics and technology.
You are probably someone who wants to change this opinion, but have felt that you don’t have what it takes to create a different HR culture.
What would it be like to see HR contribute to the highest levels of the company, the way finance does? The fact is who we call a CFO today, is a position that didn’t exist until the 1980s. Accountants were bookkeepers who didn’t become CEOs.
Today that has changed, and finance used technology, data and analytics to speak the C-Suite language.
HR can do the same. But it will take a hard “reset.” This won’t happen by luck.
Our mission for you is simple. By the end of the “conference” we want HR Professionals to be equipped to reset their departments using the same tools finance used: analytics powered by data and technology.
After their training, graduates will sound, look and act differently than before. We want other members of the C-Suite to notice this difference, and be led to remark on it.
So why depart from the usual two to three-day conference theme?
Our experience from three prior CaribHRForum Virtual Conferences tells us that it’s not enough to produce this result. It helps, but only an immersive experience will create the extraordinary, “We can see you folks in HR have changed” type of effect. A reset.
We want HR practitioners to gain the backing of C-Suite leadership to undertake their hard reset. In other words, we are promising conference participants some individual results, but we’re also offering their organizations much more…a department which has undertaken a reset to be strategic using People Analytics.
Unfortunately, most HR practitioners aren’t in a position to demand anything from their CEO’s. They’ll need to be stronger in order to lead both an individual and departmental reset.
So in most cases, companies will need to make a choice. Invest in a hard reset which can create C-Suite impact. Or not.
That’s where you come in. And why you are being offered this mission to be a presenter.
We’d like you to help us in this immersion program.
We are offering two kinds of programs. See the diagram below – some belong to the main events in green/blue and other are support programs in yellow.
One big difference between the two kinds of programs lies in their intent. The other lies in how you will be compensated.
The main programs in blue/green will deliver the core content. Presenters will be specially invited to be involved.
Presenters of the Support Videos, Training and Coaching will be compensated in a 30-50% revenue share.
So, we are inviting you to create offers to address our participants.
How the Support Programs Work
As we give participants the data analytics and dashboard tools to undertake this transformation, we recognize that there are other areas in which they experience resistance or friction. These turn into obstacles when they get in the way of an HR Department’s Reset, or even an individual reset.
Your mission…if you accept it…would be to put together content to help our participants overcome such obstacles. Here is the list of obstacles, along with suggested topics – click here.
For example, most companies have not invested in the analytics tools HR needs. However, they expect HR to make a cost-benefit case for major investments…which needs the data from the missing tools. It’s a vicious cycle of under-investment.
They’ll need help to make an ROI case in such situations, and could receive help from a presenter’s video, online training or coaching.
Take a look at the list, and if you are interested in applying to speak, your next step is to complete your application form.
Thanks for your consideration and if you know others who would appreciate this opportunity, please share this page with them.