You: an HR Professional who cares more than the average practitioner about having an impact.
It might be a matter of making a difference in your company. You are motivated to make lasting transformation happen in some area.
Or you may just want to fulfill your potential. You aspire to do great things in your career either as a CHRO or as a consultant.
In either case you want to overcome a chilling statistic: the number of HR managers who become CEO’s or Managing Directors is in the single digits.
You probably know that there are some biases at play. But they all add up to reinforce a complaint heard in executive suites across the region and world: “HR is not strategic enough.”
If you are serious about having a personal or department impact, this is no small obstacle. If you are intent on turning it around, keep reading. This is not a challenge for everyone.
A Hard Reset
While it’s possible to achieve some growth the slow and steady way, over time, this conference is about accelerating your development.
The method we offer you is an immersion in a new way of thinking, acting and asking questions.
The outcome? To have colleagues in the C-Suite notice, and let you know that “something is different.”
We’re taking this challenge seriously by offering you webinars, a workshop, masterclasses and standalone support sessions to help you overcome some tricky obstacles: such as establishing new lines of communication with CXOs.
And of course, we’ll give you all the theory and hands-on experience you’ll need in data analytics.
All these training and support opportunities mean that you’ll have everything you need to make the transition you want for yourself and your department. It’s an investment in making a transformation happen that won’t be easy, but could be worthwhile.
If the idea of leading the digital transformation with HR skills appeals to you, don’t leave this site without registering for the complimentary portion of the series.
And let your colleagues know that this important, first-of-its-kind immersion shouldn’t be missed.